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Just 5 minutes....and I'm ready..

It's not easy, I have to choose the outfit, match the shoes .. my hair are fine? no .. these shoes are not good, I already wear a month ago .. uhm .. make up..ok I am ready ..only five minutes..


Mesh Head - Tumble mesh head @Catwa

Mesh Body - Lara Mesh Body @Maitreya

Face & Body applier - Cheyenne @L'etre

lipgloss - Tokyo makeup @S.E.

Eye glasses - Chamb Glasses by Zoom @TresChic

Hair - Vee (dark) @Little Bones

Sweater - Wrap Off Shoulder sweater (marron) @Ison

Pants - Lexie Pant (black) @Diram

Shoes - Doris Patent (rare) @ChicChica

Pose - Lipstick pose #5 @IOS


Side Table - Table with lace Lust Supreme Gachas (common) by Kks @The Crossroad

Cosmetic - Isabelle Cosmetic Decor @Whatnext

Vase with flower - Nardya's tulips in Mason Jar @Applefall

LIngerie on floor - Sexy Shoes On The Floor 2 (Black Lingerie)@Xpress

Newspaper - Lust Supreme gachas - Newspaper (common) by Kks @The Crossroad

Daybed - Lust Supreme gachas - daybed Adult (rare) by Kks @The Crossroad

Pots - Lust Supreme gachas 3 pots (common) by Kks @The Crossroad

Chandelier - Lust Supreme gachas Chandelier (common) by Kks @The Crossroad

Divider Screen& mirror - from Arcade gacha september 2016 @Birdy

Curtains - Lace Curtains @Kalopsia

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